
Refund & Cancellation


Cabby has implemented a comprehensive refund policy to address various concerns that users may encounter during their trips or orders. The policy aims to rectify issues related to unexpected charges, driver misconduct, route discrepancies, and any other disruptions in service.

To initiate the refund process, users simply need to report their problem via the app, which will then be carefully reviewed by Cabby.

There are several common scenarios in which users may seek refunds, which include:

            • Inaccurate Charges: In the event that users notice discrepancies between the amount displayed on their trip receipt and the actual charged amount, they can file a complaint. For instance, if a toll fee was wrongly applied despite not passing through any tolls, users can report this for potential reimbursement.

             • Driver Behaviour: If users have encountered issues with a driver, such as deliberately taking a longer and inefficient route in order to inflate the fare, they can report the incident.

             • Trip Complications: Problems such as being picked up from the wrong location can be raised with Cabby for resolution.

             • Cancellations: Cabby has established a policy regarding cancellation fees, which are incurred when a trip is canceled after a specific time period following the booking. However, if users believe that they were unfairly charged a cancellation fee, they have the right to contest it.

              • Service Interrupts: Instances where users have experienced inconveniences such as being refused the trip by the driver upon arrival may be valid grounds for a refund.

              • Missing Items: If you forgot an item in a Cabby and paid a fee to retrieve it, you will not get a refund for the item, but we may consider waiving the fee in some exceptional cases.

By addressing these concerns through their refund policy, Cabby aims to ensure a satisfactory experience for its users and resolve any issues that may arise during the course of their trips.